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About Google Plus (Google +)

Back to the topic of discussion on optimizations with Social Media Optimization (SMO - read : Optimization Blog With Social Media Optimization (SMO)), In this post I will share what it is google plus (Google +) which is a social media from google which has many excellent features such as other leading social media, Facebook.

About Google Plus (Google +) | Sharing SEO
Google Plus Project - Lets Join
What is Google's Plus (Google +)? As I said before, google plus is a social media site created by Google as a competitor to Facebook. Google currently has members plus nearly 20 million users in the second week after its release. With so many members, admins google plus plus limit the number of members by invite only use the system for each listing. So first you have to wait until Google plus released to the public

Many people who say that the main purpose of the google plus (Google +) was launched by Google is to compete with Facebook as the # 1 social network in the world today. Whereas before google has tried to compete with other social networks that have launched a number of projects such as GoogleWave, GoogleBuzz, and Orgut. But the results are worth it or it could be said Google failed to compete to build social media sites.

As with existing social networking, Google plus is almost similar to Facebook. The users can update your status, upload photos and links, as is commonly done on Facebook. Only, what could be user friendly google plus like facebook? Of course this will be a challenge for google +. Excess is the first time I felt when using Google + is when I would open an account in google, then there will be no direct google plus, bloggers and various accounts are integrated with google.

I hope this brief information useful to you, do not forget to comment and look forward to my next posting on Google plus (Google +).

Don't forget to circle my google plus account : Muhammad Mufid Luthfi


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muhammad mufid luthfi Hello, My name is Muhammad Mufid Luthfi. I am a student who is studying to gain more knowledge and aspires to be a successful person and be happy my parents.

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