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Submit and Verification Your Blog to Yahoo

 Previously I've posted about submitting and verifying your blog into google (read  Submit and Verification Your Blog to Google), then on the next post I will discuss about yahoo. 

The following sites how to submit your blog to yahoo:  

Submit and Verification Your Blog to Yahoo
Yahoo - Site Explorer
1. Please login to Yahoo! Site Explorer with your yahoo mail account.  
2. Now, select Submit a website or webpage.  
3. Enter the complete address of your blog with a http://
4. Click Submit URL.  
5. Your blog has been submit ... You can test by clicking Explore 

Attach Meta Tags Now it's time to make yahoo! responsiveness every time you update. As before we put the meta tag Google (read: Submit and Verification Blog in Google's Webmaster Tools

1. On the sidebar click on "My Sites"  
2. Will appear a list of blogs that you have listed. Click your blog. 
3. On the left sidebar again, click "Authentication" and you will be taken to the verification page of your site.  
4. There are two methods, choose the second method by clicking "By Adding Meta Tag to my Home Page".  
5. Yahoo will provide the meta tag code that you can add to your website.  
6. Login bloggers - Layout - Edit HTML.  
    Put the code that you get earlier under 
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>  
7. Save your template. If it fails to keep, please add a slash at the end of meta tags.  
    For example: <META name="y_key" content="xxxxxxxxxxx"/>  
    Notice the red at the end of the meta.  
8. Switch to Yahoo Site Explorer authetication page again and click the "Ready to Autheticate".

Now you have submit and verify your site in yahoo! To check please you click on the sidebar of your blog's address, and you'll get the information that your site has been verified. Also the various buttons to check your blog on Yahoo like Google Webmaster Tools.

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muhammad mufid luthfi Hello, My name is Muhammad Mufid Luthfi. I am a student who is studying to gain more knowledge and aspires to be a successful person and be happy my parents.

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