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Submit and Verification Your Blog to Google

Ok, For this time I wanted to post on our blog submits and verification to This is probably one of the most important when we do the blogging. verification metatags on our blog needs to be done to our blog by google lookups.

Submit and Verification Your Blog to Google | Berbagi ilmu seoThe most fundamental of the google webmaster tools is of course submit your blog. The advantage of course is the article you will more quickly indexed google.

Here's how to get it:
1. Please go to Google Webmaster Tools.
2. Login to your account
3. Click Add Site
4. Enter your blog url, example:
5. Click Continue
6. Page will appear Verify Ownership
7. Copy metatags from google to your blog.
  • Blogger Login
  • Layout
  • Edit HTML
  • Put the code earlier meta tag that you get from google under 
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
8. Click Save Template

9. Back again to the webmaster tools page Verify Ownership
10. Click Verify
11. Your process is complete and you can start optimizing your blog with webmaster tools.

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About Us

muhammad mufid luthfi Hello, My name is Muhammad Mufid Luthfi. I am a student who is studying to gain more knowledge and aspires to be a successful person and be happy my parents.

Admin Of :
- Khamardos's Blog
- IKRAR IT Telkom
- Web Hosting Murah Indonesia


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