Ok, back to our article this time, in this post I will give some SEO tips that can help your blog get better rankings in Google:
1. Optimizing Meta Tags
Meta tags have a distinct advantage for our blog. Meta tag include the Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keyword where google will identify the site of the 3 factors meta tag. So, it is necessary for us to do the Optimization of Meta Tags, because google is the first time in our blog will examine the first meta tag located at the head / top of our blog.
Note: If you want trouble finding an appropriate meta tag to your blog, you can check with the SEO Optimization Tools (Read: SEO Optimization Tools for SEO).
2. Optimizing Web Content
Did you ever heard the term "Content is King" and "SEO is its Queen?" Yes, content is king, while SEO is the Queen, of the degree course you realize that the blog's content is a main thing.
So for that, always providing useful content, quality, relevant and certainly benefits the readers of your blog, and remember do not do copy-paste, because google hates the name scraping content (read : Google Panda hate the scrapping Article). And most importantly try to always update the post buddy every day at least 1 time a week.
3. Optimized URL Structure
Most of us will be aware of this factor already that URL structure can be changed and simpler and keyword based or simple category based URLs are more preferred by search engines which allows users and crawlers to easily identify what is this URL about. A user can easily understand and remember the URL.
eg : - True : http://www.facebook.com/khamardos
- False: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000908540729 (so far)
4. Using Friendly Layout For Good Access to Blog
Well, here's the important thing. The initial step of SEO starts with providing the easiest access for users, visitors and SEO robot (read : Importance Of Googlebot for Your Blog) that will monitor your blog. With easy access and practical enables blog can be indexed quickly by search engines, especially Google.
Some advice I can give you should use a template SEO friendly, or do not allow access to the blog is too heavy, causing visitors to your blog finally decided to cancel visit your blog.
5. Easy Website Navigation
The buttons or tabs to direct users to the internal pages should be visible and easily accessible to the users to jump on to those pages and resulting in spending more time in exploring your website products or services. As easy the navigation would be, the more visitors will stay and the bounce rate will decrease automatically. For this poin you can use the Breadcrumb Navigation (read : Installer Breadcrumb Navigation On Blogspot)
Hopefully the above information and helpful tips for you. Happy to be creative ...