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Google Sitelink - New Interface of Google Sitelink

In the my previus post about Optimizing Your Blog Titles As Keyword (read : Optimizing Your Blog Titles As Keyword) I promised to discuss about google sitelink. Google sitelink a facility on a google search that aims to help information seekers by displaying another link from the blog Or it could also be a facility that is owned by Google which in addition to showing that we are looking for key words there are also lists of links in the blog .

Google Sitelink - New Interface of Google Sitelink | Sharing SEOTalk about sitelink, on 16th August Google sitelink change the display on their search list. Getting sitelink not an easy thing, all the way to do start posting regular updates, do not do copy-paste, intelligent design in the affairs of the blog to appear SEO Friendly, regular appearance of the navigation menu, plus a few more opinions from other bloggers that to get google sitelink It takes a long time.

As I have said that updating the look of sitelinknya google, google sitelink follows is a long view.
Google Sitelink - New Interface of Google Sitelink | Sharing SEO
Old interface of Google Sitelink

And this is the latest display Google sitelink:
Google Sitelink - New Interface of Google Sitelink | Sharing SEO
New interface of Google Sitelink

The reason for google to update the look of sitelinknya because sitelink can help predict parts of the site you want to visit. Links to help you quickly navigate to the most relevant section of the site (That is the most popular profiles on it), which is very useful for large and complex website. Sitelinks can also give you a good overview of the content of a website.

Here is a review of Google's web about why they are changing the look sitelink:
As it Became clear how Valuable sitelinks were the resource persons, We Continued to Improve Their appearance and quality. Them We rearranged into a column of links to Make Them Easier to read. We doubled the number of links, creating direct access to more of the site. We started showing sitelinks for more results and We continuously made improvements to the algorithms That Generate and rank the links. With each of these changes, people used sitelinks more and more.

So the main reason for google to update the display sitelink sitelink readers really be used as a media provider of the lists of other articles of the blog. Display sitelink made by google is now a two-fold, with the aim that visitors get more information from these blogs. In addition, Google will make a significant improvement to the algorithm by combining sitelink ranking by ranking the results regularly to produce a higher quality list. This reduces the duplication of links and create results in a more organized search page.

This change will roll out globally over the next few days in all supported languages ​​for anyone using a modern browser, like Chrome, Firefox or IE 7 and above. So the conclusion from all this google search engine so that users can access information more regularly and more.


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